Dental Guides

Dental Guides (Page 19)

6 Important Things to Know Before Getting a Dental Implant

Specialist Prosthodontics Dental implants are an excellent solution to tooth loss and have many advantages that make them more convenient than dentures in many ways. Here at Brisbane prosthodontics Specialist Pros, we are here to answer any questions you may have about getting a dental implant. Before you commit to getting an implant, here are a few things you should know. 1. Dental Implants... ❯❯❯

Common Misconceptions About All-on-4

If you desire to have your teeth replaced, you might have already done some research or looked at different tooth replacement options in the market. You can replace your teeth with different dentures and implants. All-on-4 is top on the list; hence you should also consider this ideal implant. Moreover, it is being offered more and has become the standard implant used by dentists in different... ❯❯❯

Popular Types of Orthodontic Treatments by Grinz Orthodontics

Popular Types of Orthodontic Treatments by Grinz OrthodonticsAre your teeth crowded or misaligned? Do you experience discomfort when chewing? Orthodontic issues affect millions of individuals worldwide in the form of crowding, spacing, crossbite, overbite, underbite, improper eruption, etc. These problems manifest with excessive pressure on the jaw joints, gums, and the rest of the teeth. Orthodontic issues have a tremendous impact not only on the health... ❯❯❯

4 tips for choosing your dentist in Melbourne

4 tips for choosing your dentist in MelbourneWhile the thought of going to the dentist might make some people anxious to one extent or another, here’s the truth. These professionals play an essential role in your oral health and when you find the right one, you certainly won’t be feeling anxious when the time comes to go to your scheduled appointment. I can understand that a certain amount of fear might be present, but the right expert can... ❯❯❯

6 Teeth-Whitening Mistakes to Avoid

6 Teeth-Whitening Mistakes to AvoidHave your teeth acquired a darker shade over time? The process of darkening isn’t surprising given the effects lifestyle has on the look of one’s smile. Consuming teeth-staining foods, smoking, and neglecting oral hygiene are only some of the wrong choices, affecting whiteness. When deciding to whiten your teeth, there are a couple of mistakes to avoid for the results to be satisfying. Spare... ❯❯❯

5 Things You Need To Know With Bone Graft

If you are missing teeth, you may want a dental implant. Your oral surgeon may recommend bone grafting. Although bone grafting sounds like a drastic procedure, it is a procedure that oral surgeons perform frequently. With bone grafting, oral surgeons can increase your jaw bone volume. This makes it possible for them to insert a dental implant even if your bone has deteriorated for many years.... ❯❯❯

Pros And Cons Of Ceramic Braces

Pros And Cons Of Ceramic BracesEveryone wants straight teeth that function without pain or discomfort. Having braces is one of the most effective ways to correct any issues that the teeth have naturally developed. However, actually getting them can be scary, as you’ll often have to use them for many months. There are more options available now then there were twenty years ago, from metal braces to clear aligners, so it’s much... ❯❯❯

How Dentists Do Fillings

How Dentists Do FillingsOne of the most common procedures in dental companies today, such as for the patients of Dr. Tracey Downtown Dental, is a filling. Fillings have restored teeth for millennia, dating back almost 10,000 years. Because of their longstanding history and continuing material innovation, fillings are a quick process for your modern dentist. Below are the steps involved in how dentists do fillings, so... ❯❯❯

8 Reasons You May Need an Emergency Dentist

If you live long enough, chances are good that you or a loved one will need emergency dental care at some point in your lives. And it always seems to happen on a weekend, doesn't it? Fortunately, you can always receive needed dental care from an emergency dentist. Let's take a look at eight reasons why you may need emergency dental care. Cracked Tooth The pain from a cracked tooth can be... ❯❯❯

Accessing Quality Dental Care in Kelowna

Accessing Quality Dental Care in KelownaKelowna has over the years been experiencing a steady stream of individuals and families relocating to it from other parts of Canada and even the world. Between 2011 and 2016, it was listed among the fastest growing cities in Canada. Why are people moving to this city? Well, there are numerous reasons which we cannot begin to discuss here since that will be outside our focus in this article. If... ❯❯❯

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