Dental Guides

Dental Guides (Page 47)

Iinvisalign: A Great alternative to Braces

If you have been suggested to wear braces by a dentist, I know how that feels, it doesn’t feel good at all. No one wants all those metals in their mouth all the time. No one wants to go through the pain that comes with metal braces including wires irritating you. For people wearing braces, everybody wants to get the braces off sooner. It is just not what you desired for your teeth to get them... ❯❯❯

3 Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay is a common health problem that many people will experience throughout their lives. Being informed about how to properly take care of your mouth is the best prevention for Tooth Decay. Tooth Decay is caused by the build-up of bad bacteria, germs and plaque around our teeth and gums. If this bacteria and plaque is not removed from the mouth it can eat through the tooth enamel, causing... ❯❯❯

Dealing with Dental Anxiety

Does the thought of visiting the dentist send chills down your spine? Do you believe that the face of pure evil lurks behind that white mask your dentist wears? Would you rather spend the weekend in line at the DMV with your in-laws and seven highly caffeinated five year-olds than schedule a 30 minute dental cleaning? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you probably suffer from... ❯❯❯

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