Dental Guides

5 Injurious Types of Bite Problems That Need Orthodontic Attention

Teeth are probably the important parts of the body and the only skeleton that’s visible that adds to or taints appearance. However, more than that, our teeth are responsible for our health that helps with easy breakdown and ingestion of food. But this set of sparkly whites can sometimes have bad formations in different people and prevent them from healthy biting abilities.

If you’re lucky, you’ll only have a few deformed teeth, nothing that a set of braces can’t fix. But for other people, this deformation can be serious and harmful. When teeth change structure due to an injury, impact, or other abnormality, they can become unpleasantly disarranged and cause your bite to be painful. Hence, if you have been experiencing difficulty chewing, properly speaking, or your jaws don’t look perfectly aligned, the following could be one of your problem that requires urgent orthodontist assessing:

Open Teeth Bite

A good example of bite problems with teeth is the open bite. This one may be the most serious that should be evaluated at the earliest. The open bite teeth formation can cause speech-related and chewing problems along with abnormality of jaw formation. An open bite is identified when either the front or the back teeth are not aligned with the jaw and create a visible space for food not to be chewed well, and other functions are performed. The problem occurs due to having small or irregularly shaded teeth.

Underbite and Overbite

There are instances where the jaws aren’t aligned with each other. Slight misalignment issues may be very common and harmless, but their severity can cause several problems and difficulties. An Underbite is when the lower jaw is in front of the upper jaw and creates a gap between them. If the gap is too wide and the lower row completely takes over the upper line of teeth, it can create a bad teeth image that can cause social concerns. It can also associate eating difficulties, wear of the enamel, chronic jaw pain, numerous breathing difficulties, and more.

On the other hand, there is the overbite where the upper teeth take over. This problem mostly occurs during childhood when one goes through prolonged use of bottle feeding or thumb sucking. Overbite creates a gummier than a teeth-revealing smile.


A teeth misalignment problem that happens due to having a small mouth or bigger teeth, situations that make it hard for teeth to grow normally. These conditions cause crowding, a deformation of teeth becoming overlapped, trapped, jammed, or rotated. This is a major problem that can keep you from cleaning your teeth thoroughly as certain teeth or areas can’t be reached. Treatment for crowding is a must to prevent severities like tooth decay, plaque buildup, and breakage. Make sure to go for treatment at the earliest revelation and consult with an orthodontist for solutions like extraction, surgery, or braces.


A crossbite can be a combination of under and overbite. In fact, it can be a result of not treating any of these issues timely to form normal teeth formation. In a crossbite, some of the teeth from the upper jaw at the back close behind the lower jaw while the others in the front. This creates a cross formation of a closed set of dentures and a distinctive look. Crossbite can be inherited or caused due to unhealthy habits in childhood. It can also happen due to late forfeiture of the baby teeth or oversized tonsils.


Gaps are common in teeth and can happen naturally or due to impact. However, these gaps between teeth in a row can have several setbacks, mostly damaging the gums. A slight gap between teeth, for example, the front two teeth, is normal and safe, but anything more than that can cause appearance issues or gum disease.

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