Dental Guides

Dental Guides (Page 11)

Dental Implants: How Long Should They Last?

Dental Implants: How Long Should They Last?There are a handful of treatments that blur the lines of different branches of dentistry. This is because such treatments can serve multiple purposes. One particularly noteworthy example is receiving dental implants near you.  This treatment falls under the category of restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, as well as periodontics. As is made evident by the name, periodontics is a type of... ❯❯❯

15 Effective Ways to Drive New Patients for Dentists

15 Effective Ways to Drive New Patients for DentistsIf you are a dentist, then you know that attracting new patients is essential to your success. Today, we will discuss 15 effective ways to drive new patients to your practice. Many of these methods are free or inexpensive and can be implemented relatively easily. So, if you are looking for ways to grow your dental practice, read on! Offer discounts - One way to attract new patients is to offer... ❯❯❯

Answering Common Questions about Invisalign Treatment

It is safe to say everyone wants a beautiful smile. A smile is your best presentation card, and a healthy one shows discipline, self-care, and responsibility. Think about it. If you do not care for something as essential as your teeth, how can anyone trust you will take care of an assignment? It is due to this reason that a beautiful smile increases the odds of getting a job. When applying for... ❯❯❯

12 Amazing Teeth Whitening Tips for 2022

12 Amazing Teeth Whitening Tips for 2022Summer is finally here, and that means it’s time to break out the shorts, sundresses, and swimsuits! But before you head to the beach or pool, you want to make sure your smile is looking its best. Here are 12 amazing teeth whitening tips to help you get ready for summer – and beyond! Quit smoking – or at least cut back. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. But did you also know... ❯❯❯

7 Tips For Maintaining Your Dental Implants

7 Tips For Maintaining Your Dental ImplantsDental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are strong and durable and can last a lifetime with proper care. Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. Once in place, they allow your dentist to attach replacement teeth (crowns, bridges, or dentures) directly onto them. Dental implants... ❯❯❯

How Do Dentists Clean Teeth?

How Do Dentists Clean Teeth?For your oral health, it's necessary to brush and floss your teeth every day. Unfortunately, most people forget to do so. Many usually only brush once a day or don't bother with it nowadays if they're working remotely. Their logic is something along the lines of: "Well, no one else will notice if I did!" And don't even get started when it comes to people being bad at remembering to floss! In... ❯❯❯

How Do Dentists Clean Teeth?

How Do Dentists Clean Teeth?Teeth cleaning appointments with the dentist can leave you feeling rejuvenated. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing your pearly whites got some much-needed TLC and your breath smelling fresh. Yet, what goes into teeth cleaning? What makes every step of the cleaning process important? If you're curious or know someone new to teeth cleaning, check out how dentists clean your teeth to... ❯❯❯

Can a Dentist Pull an Infected Tooth?

Can a Dentist Pull an Infected Tooth?Dentists are no stranger to pulling teeth - that comes with the job. However, depending on your tooth's condition, it might have some of them second-guessing whether to remove it from your mouth. These dilemmas arise when dentists are faced with an infected tooth. Most folks would naturally assume pulling an infected tooth would be in a patient's best interest and solve the oral issue instantly. ... ❯❯❯

Extend the Life of Your Dental Handpieces

Handpieces are the most vital part of a dentist’s surgical equipment. While there are handpieces in all shapes and sizes for any dental procedure, it follows that the ones for more common tasks will get the most wear and tear. Dental handpieces can be an expensive outlay when setting up or refitting a practice, and they are used at almost every appointment, so keeping them in good shape is... ❯❯❯

Dental Impressions: the Different Types of Impression Tray

Dental Impressions: the Different Types of Impression TrayThe fundamental instruments of a dental practice undeniably include the accessories for taking dental impressions, an essential yet delicate step. As we all know, this operation is carried out using an impression tray, a special container inside which the impression material needed to obtain a negative copy of the patient’s teeth is arranged. Given the presence of both anatomical differences and... ❯❯❯

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