Nothing makes a smile more pleasant than a clean set of healthy, white teeth. Save the charm associated with a beautiful smile, having good dental hygiene positively affects your overall health. Therefore, you must pay great attention and care to your dental hygiene. There is a tonne of information available online on dental health and hygiene. Unfortunately, some of them are false or misleading... ❯❯❯
The outbreak of the 2020 worldwide coronavirus pandemic came as a huge shock to not only ordinary people across the length and breadth of the country and beyond, but also medical professionals. In the case of nursing staff, especially those who were working on the proverbial front line, the past few years have been, in some cases, the most horrific time of both their professional and personal... ❯❯❯
5 Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Dentist #1 What network is this provider in? If you're not sure about the answer to this question, your healthcare provider should be able to give you a list of participating dentists. Dental insurance plans are usually found on your health insurer’s website or through your employer (HR is a good place to start). A list of insurers can provide a starting... ❯❯❯
Dental implants are a popular choice for people who are looking to replace missing or damaged teeth. But are they as good as normal teeth? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of dental implants and compare them to regular teeth. We will also discuss how dental implants can improve your oral health and your overall appearance! What are dental implants and what do they do? Dental... ❯❯❯
Nothing can get rid of stubborn tartar buildup as dentists can. Once tartar has developed, you can't reverse it yourself once it's already there. The only way to remove tartar is by having a dental cleaning done through your local dental clinic. Yet, how does a dentist go about removing tartar? What makes removing it so hard that only a dentist can get rid of it? Find out for yourself and learn... ❯❯❯
After a visit with the pediatric dentist, they may have noticed your child's teeth are unaligned and need to be treated to correct them. The image of metal braces comes to mind for most people as a means of treatment. After all, it's practically common knowledge of what braces do and look like for the most part. However, braces aren't the only solution to crooked teeth. There is another option... ❯❯❯
Dental implants consist of replacement tooth post “roots,” usually made from titanium, that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Single crowns, a fixed dental bridge, or partial dentures are possible attachments. These teeth replacement solutions are undoubtedly today’s best choice for individuals with damaged teeth or teeth loss who are looking to regain full chewing and speaking capabilitie... ❯❯❯
There are a handful of treatments that blur the lines of different branches of dentistry. This is because such treatments can serve multiple purposes. One particularly noteworthy example is receiving dental implants near you. This treatment falls under the category of restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, as well as periodontics. As is made evident by the name, periodontics is a type of... ❯❯❯
If you are a dentist, then you know that attracting new patients is essential to your success. Today, we will discuss 15 effective ways to drive new patients to your practice. Many of these methods are free or inexpensive and can be implemented relatively easily. So, if you are looking for ways to grow your dental practice, read on! Offer discounts - One way to attract new patients is to offer... ❯❯❯
It is safe to say everyone wants a beautiful smile. A smile is your best presentation card, and a healthy one shows discipline, self-care, and responsibility. Think about it. If you do not care for something as essential as your teeth, how can anyone trust you will take care of an assignment? It is due to this reason that a beautiful smile increases the odds of getting a job. When applying for... ❯❯❯