Dental Guides

Which Orthodontists Do Invisalign?

The world of orthodontics is continuously expanding and evolving. With new innovations and inventions emerging, the methods by which we are able to tackle misaligned jaws and fix the positioning of teeth are increasing. This better allows us to find a treatment plan that best works for you, taking your lifestyle and needs into consideration. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all; now, you have a range of options to explore alongside your orthodontist.

One such orthodontic treatment that has been growing in popularity has been Invisalign. A cross between braces and retainers, Invisalign is an advanced teeth straightening system that has become a common alternative to braces. Due to its demand, many orthodontists, such as those at, offer Invisalign as a treatment option. But is it common for orthodontists to provide Invisalign services? And what benefits does Invisalign even offer? Let’s explore below!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the brand name of a clear, thin aligner made from a thermoplastic material called SmartTrack. A computer-generated mould is created to help realign mild to moderate oral concerns, such as crooked, overcrowded, or gapped teeth. Every few weeks, your current mould is replaced with a new one, accounting for the new changes while enforcing some additional ones.

As the name suggests, the idea of this particular orthodontic treatment is for it to be less conspicuous than other options, such as metal braces. While it’s not completely invisible, it is typically not noticed by those around you until they are within close proximity.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?


One of the most attractive features of Invisalign is its more subtle appearance. While braces are often a common accessory for teens, adults may hesitate to invest in orthodontic care, as braces may not project the professional image they hope to give off. Invisalign allows you to obtain that smile you’ve always dreamt of without drastically altering your appearance in the process.


With braces, you’re committed to wearing them all hours of the day. Invisalign, meanwhile, allows you to remove them while you eat and brush your teeth. This can actually decrease any hygiene concerns, as plaque build-up becomes a common issue with braces. With Invisalign, you simply need to ensure you are wearing it between 20 and 22 hours a day.

Treatment Length

Invisalign is typically suggested to those with mild to moderate concerns in regards to their teeth. While Invisalign is effective, it does have its limitations. Braces are able to utilize spacers, elastics, headgear, and wires to push and pull the jaw and teeth into place; Invisalign is generally less aggressive. Therefore, since the issues it is fixing are less severe, the treatment length is generally shorter, ranging between six and eighteen months.

Who should wear Invisalign?

Your orthodontist will advise whether Invisalign is the right treatment option for you based on the status of your teeth and jaw. When it comes to age, however, orthodontists generally opt to recommend the treatment to older patients, such as teens and adults. Invisalign does require additional commitment, as you have the option to remove it. Younger children may be less strict with their regiment, thus causing their treatment plan to fall behind.

Which orthodontists offer Invisalign?

Due to its popularity, the majority of orthodontists offer Invisalign as a treatment option at their practices. Therefore, when choosing your orthodontist, you can focus more on their location and compatibility, rather than feeling limited by the services they offer.

When it comes time to invest in orthodontic care, don’t hesitate to ask about Invisalign. Your orthodontist will be able to let you know whether it’s the right choice for you, and help guide your decision.

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