Dental Guides

5 Tips To Make Your Dentures Last Longer

Dentures can improve your facial aesthetics and smile. They will also help you enjoy what you’re eating while protecting your remaining teeth from damage. 

If you’ve just got your dentures and you want to ensure that they will last long, read on. Here’s a list of tips you can consider if you wish to use your dentures for a long time.

  1. Clean Dentures Regularly

Performing denture cleaning every day is one of the easiest things you can do to make your artificial teeth last longer. Since you’re using them to chew, having contact with bacteria and saliva is inevitable. In turn, this will cause plaque to take root on the dentures even though they’re not actual teeth.

Having said that, it’s important to clean your dentures regularly, like brushing your real teeth. When cleaning, you can also soak it in a denture cleaner tablet. Additionally, if you notice that your dentures have a smell, make sure to submerge them in lukewarm water with vinegar. This solution can get rid of plaque buildup as well as bacteria from the dentures.

  1. Handle Your Dentures With Care

When handled roughly or incorrectly, dentures may either deform or break. Whether you’re using partial or full dentures, you will need to use a mirror and push them in the right position carefully. Don’t try to force them into position.

In addition to that, avoid dropping or knocking your dentures. Aside from giving them a longer lifespan, handling your dentures with care will keep them in place too.

  1. Avoid DIY Repairs For Your Dentures

In case your dentures have fractures or damage, don’t try to fix them on your own. This is especially if you’re planning to use any hardware or household tools or materials. The best thing you can do when there is something wrong with your dentures is to bring them to your dentist. It’s because these professionals have the right equipment to repair the dental prosthesis properly and effectively.

  1. Don’t Leave Dentures Dry

Another thing you should avoid doing if you want your dentures to last longer is to leave them out to dry. Keep in mind that these artificial teeth are made to be kept in a moist setting. When you leave your dentures overnight to dry out, its shape may get twisted and warped. Besides changing the dentures’ appearance, it will also adjust the way it fits in the mouth. So, if you want to sleep without your dentures, make sure to leave them in water or cleaning solutions overnight when you’re going to bed.

  1. Watch Out For The Food You’re Eating

Avoid several beverages and foods to extend the lifespan of your dentures. For instance, you might want to stay away from foods that need extensive chewing, such as chewy foods, sticky foods, or hard foods.

Sticky foods may get caught under and between dentures. What’s more, they can become tacky as well as strong enough to remove the artificial teeth. Some examples include caramel, gum, or other chewy candies.

On the other hand, hard foods can damage dentures by fracturing the bridges and damaging them after an extended time. Popcorn kernels, ice, and nuts are some of the hard foods you need to avoid as they can damage the bridge’s structure.

With dentures, chewy and tough foods can become more difficult to eat. So, for easy chewing, cut steak or other foods into smaller pieces.

In addition to that, you should also protect the adjacent teeth if you want to maintain a healthy and seamless smile. It would be best if you took precautions to prevent staining from dark-colored drinks and foods. Despite the materials used in making the dentures can resist decay or staining, the adjacent teeth aren’t.

Nevertheless, if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of eating sticky and hard foods, you may want to get dental implants.


By following the tips above, you will be able to use your dentures for a longer period. However, know that even the most expensive and well-maintained dentures will not last forever. From time to time, they will need to be refitted.

With age, the shape of the mouth changes naturally, meaning it will also adjust the denture’s fit. Furthermore, gum ridges and bone shrink when teeth are removed. This changes the foundation on which the dentures fit. Dentures uncomfortably fitted may lead to sore gums, mouth sores, and discomfort in the bit. Consult your dentist right away once you notice that your dentures begin to feel like they fit differently.

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