Dental Guides

Undergoing Dental Implants- What Are The Odds?

Nothing can boost your confidence quite like a nice smile. If you are not happy with your teeth or smile, it can give a huge hit to your self-esteem. Because of this, many people visit their dentist to get an idea of what options are available to them for getting the smile they dream of. One option many consider is dental implants. Dental implant surgery is where the roots of your teeth get replaced with metal posts that an artificial tooth can be screwed onto. The procedure can be a welcomed alternative to other types of procedures when there are not enough natural roots to allow for dentures or bridges. Below are some of the advantages of getting dental implants in Brisbane.

  1. Look And Feel Better

One of the better benefits of getting dental implants is that they feel, fit, look, and function like natural, healthy teeth. They are so comfortable that most people forget they have them. Once the procedure is complete, you will brush and floss each implant just like with the rest of your natural teeth. When you have dentures, you have to remove them to clean them. This can make patients feel unhappy with their results because it doesn't feel natural. Implants also help you keep your natural smile and face shape.

  1. Improved Confidence

If your confidence has been suffering because of your teeth and smile, dental implants can help improve it. They are a secure fit in your mouth, and you will not have to worry about your speech being impaired. Most people see no difference in how they talk or smile. You will have peace of mind knowing no one will know you have implants, and you can smile with confidence.

  1. Long-Lasting

When properly cared for, dental implants can last many decades. Other popular options, such as dentures and bridges, often have to be replaced every 5 or 10 years. This means they are a costly investment and take a lot of time. Depending on when you get your implants, they may last as long or longer than your natural teeth.

  1. Protect Healthy Teeth

While you may not be able to prevent natural tooth loss, you can do something about the empty spaces left in your mouth. Once you lose one or more teeth, your risk of health issues like jaw bone deterioration can increase. Dental implants are the only type of procedure for tooth replacement that will help prevent future bone loss and can stimulate new bone growth. You will not have to have adjacent teeth ground down for dental implants as you would for attaching dentures or bridges.

What To Expect After Dental Implant Surgery

Most dental implant procedures are finished successfully. However, some acts such as smoking can contribute to complications and implant failure. When your bone does not fuse adequately to the implant, it may have to be removed, cleaned up, and replaced again after a few months of healing. To help your dental work last and keep your remaining natural teeth unharmed, there are some things you can do after your surgery.

  1. Take Care Of Your Teeth

It is important to practice good oral hygiene with your implants and natural teeth after they have completed your procedure. Your dentist will inform you about specially designed toothbrushes that will help make the process easier. An interdental brush can help slide between teeth to get in the nooks and crannies that regular toothbrushes cannot. It will keep your gums, teeth, and metal posts free from harmful bacteria and decay.

  1. Make Regular Visits To Your Dentist

Just like before getting dental implants, it is imperative to have regular check-ups with your dentist. They will make sure your implants are healthy and functioning properly. They can also give you updated advice on what to do in between your checkups to keep your teeth and gums healthy while having implants.

  1. Avoid Certain Habits

There are certain habits you should avoid that could damage your implants and your natural teeth. Avoid chewing on hard items such as candy and ice. These can break your dental crowns and your natural teeth. Avoid smoking and tooth-staining products such as tobacco and caffeine. If you grind your teeth, speak with your dentist or doctor about treatments available to you.


Elizabeth is a renowned leader in the space of Health and Mental Wellness topics. Her work has appeared on more than a dozen influential sites and blogs. Her articles both focus on providing valuable information and an entertaining read that her readers enjoy. More about her work on -

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