Dental Guides

Getting Braces: 5 Things You Should Know

The thing about braces is that not only are they for preteens, but adults as well. No matter if you have a few crooked bottom teeth or a severe overbite, getting braces might be the only way to bring your smile back. Not only can braces or adult orthodontics make your teeth straighter and your smile whiter, but also it can bring your confidence and self esteem back too. There is nothing like flashing a big, bright smile at someone and seeing their reaction – they might even make a few compliments too. Yet, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you go ahead and get braces. Here are 5 things you should know before you get braces.

  1. Make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy before you get braces. Most orthodontists won’t install braces if your teeth or gums are not in optimal condition, so it might be wise to visit a dentist before hand. You need to make sure you don’t have any cavities or gum diseases. Before you get braces, make sure to fill all cavities and remedy and periodontal issues.
  2. Only go to an orthodontist. Sure, a dentist – or just about anyone – can install braces on your teeth, but only an orthodontist has the experience and the knowledge to do it the right way. An orthodontist has the unique ability to foresee the movement of your teeth over a certain number of years – typically the amount of time needed for braces to work effectively – and can most successfully sculpt the aesthetics of your teeth. The last thing you want is to pay a fortune for braces and wind up with sores or ineffective treatment.
  3. Get a number of opinions. If you have an underbite or crooked incisors, three orthodontists might give you three completely different treatment options. Yet, getting professional advice from a number of different orthodontists is crucial to getting the best treatment for your money. Perhaps all you need is braces on your bottom teeth – you can then pass on that orthodontist that recommends full headgear. You also don’t want to wind up getting more treatment than you need and you definitely don’t want to spend more money than you have to.
  4. Make sure to get a detailed list of all the costs involved. First, there will be the installation of the braces and then there will be the multiple visits to the orthodontists for cleanings, tightenings and more. Before you get braces, you want to have a long-term overview of all the costs involved, just to make sure you can afford it.
  5. Braces can be slightly painful. Braces, usually in the beginning, can be painful. This is because your teeth are literally moving and your entire bite is being changed. You can think of these aches like growing pains and after a few months they should go away. When it comes down to it, when you take a look at your teeth after you have your braces removed, it will all be worth it.

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