Do you know when you should go to see your dentist? As a rule of thumb it is important that you see them at least once every 6 months – but aside from that you should also pay them a visit if you notice any signs of dental issues. Unfortunately most people aren’t aware what the early signs of dental issues look like, which is why they often wait until the situation worsens. That can lead to... ❯❯❯
There are certain things that people take for granted as fact, simply because they’ve heard it so many times. Take, for instance, the way that you take care of your teeth. When you go to the dentist, and he gives you the "shame on you" speech for not flossing, do you ever ask him to supply you with proof that it helps to delay tooth decay? Do you ever question what the real facts are? Most humans... ❯❯❯
While it isn’t written in stone, there is a good likelihood if you have children in the house that one or all of them may need to visit the orthodontist before they leave the nest to head off to college one day. Braces, the objects that scare some kids silly; have become much friendlier and better looking in recent decades. That said they are still traumatic for some kids growing up, worrying... ❯❯❯
There are so many useful dental treatments that are now available for those that have various problems. We have access to braces that improve teeth alignment, dental implants that are simply vital when teeth are missing and teeth whitening treatments that are available for those that are interesting in appearance. The problem with teeth whitening is that it will not last forever. It is important... ❯❯❯
Keeping your mouth healthy is key to keeping your mouth happy. While brushing and flossing certainly help keep your mouth looking beautiful and fresh, there are other ways you can help take care of your oral health. Here are 8 ways to improve your oral health and have a happy, healthy mouth: 1. Visit a Dentist While many people avoid visiting a dentist, as they greatly dislike have their mouth... ❯❯❯
Many people would not consider bad breath a big health issue that they have to worry about. However, having bad breath can affect a lot of different aspects of a person’s life and health. Bad breath is not always something that should be taken lightly. There are a lot of things that people can do have better breath every day. This can help people in a lot of different ways, including allowing... ❯❯❯
When you’re pregnant and responsible for the little life that is growing within, it’s essential that you do all that you can to remain in top physical condition. This would include doing your best to maintain great oral health. Although for the most part, good dental practices for pregnant women are the same as what all individuals should do, there are a couple of extra things that are important... ❯❯❯
In order to have a clear understanding of what it takes to maintain a healthy dental program, it can help to know a few things about teeth in general, such as when we can expect our first few teeth to fall out, what it means to have wisdom teeth removed or perhaps the types of teeth we have in general. One obvious fact is that teeth are an incredibly important part of the digestive process,... ❯❯❯
Almost everyone is familiar with the awkward and uncomfortable goop-filled plastic tray that is inserted into the mouth and used for taking impressions of the teeth and gums. Thankfully, now there is an alternative, called the iTero digital impression system. What is iTero? The iTero system takes 3-D digital impressions of patients' teeth and gums quickly and comfortably, with 99.5% accuracy.... ❯❯❯
Cavity prevention is vital. Cavities, or dental caries, are not only painful, but they can also cause bad breath and other issues with your health. Dentists and medical health professionals say that caring for your teeth is critical for your overall wellbeing. Next to brushing and flossing, it is important to take daily measures to make sure your oral and dental health is in excellent shape.... ❯❯❯