Dental Guides

5 Quick and Easy Solutions for Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can cause discomfort and pain at any moment–while eating an ice pop, when you sip hot tea, or when you bite into a hard candy bar. The painful, searing sensation is often unbearable, and you will likely do anything to limit or reduce the discomfort. Here are 5 quick and easy solutions to help with sensitive teeth.

  1. Purchase a desensitizing toothpaste at your local grocery store or pharmacy. Regular toothpaste won’t cut it! Luckily there are many products out on the market that can help ease widespread tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity may be a result of enamel abrasion or gum-line recession that cannot be treated with fillings or other dental procedures but can be soothed. These special toothpastes have ingredients that ease sensitivity by filling channels in the dentin of your tooth.
  2. Rinse your teeth and mouth with a fluoride rinse. These are available without a prescription and can decrease sensitivity, especially in those with tooth decay issues. You simply use it once a day and swish it around in your mouth for about 30 seconds for optimal results. You may need a fluoride rinse that is stronger than those found over the counter if your tooth sensitivity is severe. If this is the case, ask your dentist to write you a prescription for an appropriate rinse that can help with serious issues like gum disease.
  3. Be sure to brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly in order to keep them nice and clean. If you don’t brush well enough, plaques will develop on the edges of the teeth, creating an acid that irritates the teeth especially in people with already naturally sensitive teeth. Avoid plaque by brushing at least twice a day, after eating, and be sure to floss at least once daily.
  4. Use a gentle, soft toothbrush when brushing your teeth. Brushing with too much force or tough bristles, can actually cause more harm than good and can damage protective tooth enamel. Your teeth and gum become more vulnerable when you over brush, causing more sensitivity. In the softest brush you can find, and only apply a small amount of pressure. Light pressure actually allows the bristle to be more effective and sweep away more debris for a cleaner smile!
  5. Finally, cut down on acidic foods. Acidic foods like fruits, wine and even sodas can add to tooth erosion and sensitive teeth. Cutting these acidic foods out of your diet will provide you with significant results, allowing you to feel more comfortable when you eat and on a daily basis.

Any dentist would recommend these helpful tips to a person suffering from tooth sensitivity including the professionals at Lake Granbury Dental & Orthodontics. Reducing tooth sensitivity does not need to be difficult. Making some simple changes to your tooth regimen can have a significant impact on your tooth comfort. By using a desensitizing toothpaste and a fluoride rinse, brushing your teeth regularly, using a gentle toothbrush, and cutting out acidic foods can make a huge difference. Following these quick and easy solutions will help you handle your sensitive tooth problems for the long term.

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