Dental Guides

4 Reasons To Visit An Emergency Dentist

If you or a loved one is experiencing dental pain, you need to know the options. Dental pain is anything but a simple problem. When you have a chipped tooth, swollen gums, or any other dental problem, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable at the same time. Some people think that they can resolve the issue by waiting for the toothache to go away. However, the truth is that any dental emergency, whether major or minor, should be treated right away.

In addition, if you don't go to an emergency dentist, you could risk having a tooth abscess, which can be very serious. Therefore, if you notice something different in your oral health, you should immediately go to an emergency dentist for an assessment and possible treatments.

The following are four reasons why you should consider visiting an emergency dentist:

  1. A Bad Toothache

A severe toothache can leave you feeling frustrated and uncomfortable. If this happens to you, you'll know exactly how annoying and inconvenient it can be. The pain from a toothache can be so bad that chewing and talking become almost impossible. What makes it worse is that you could also experience headaches along with an impending toothache. There are several indications of a toothache that may warn you of a possible emergency dental care need.

The advantage of visiting an emergency dentist is that you can get immediate relief from pain. Often, when painkillers are used for a toothache, the problem may disappear for a while. But, you need the professional opinion of an emergency dentist to resolve the issue permanently.

  1. A Broken Tooth

Another reason you may require emergency dental care is a chipped or broken tooth. It occurs when the edge of a tooth becomes slightly worn out so that it chips somewhat. A fractured tooth, however, presents more considerable damage than just a worn out or chipped enamel. When a tooth breaks, the tooth's root is also possibly damaged, which can be extremely painful. If you don't treat it right away, the chip could grow bigger and make you uncomfortable whenever you smile, talk, or eat.

The best way to handle a broken tooth is by booking an appointment with emergency dentists in Campbelltown or wherever you live right away.

  1. Bleeding Gums

Pain and bleeding along the gum line are the initial symptoms of gum problems. While your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth too hard, the pain and discomfort should subside within 24 hours or less. If you start to experience gum tenderness or swelling, you may have sensitive or irritated gums. When the gums are tender or inflamed, they may bleed when you perform simple tasks, like chewing your food or brushing your teeth. These symptoms don’t automatically mean you have a tooth or gum infection. But, if the symptoms persist beyond a day or two, you may want to seek medical help because these could be symptoms of a more serious dental issue.

Gingivitis is a disease of the gums. It's characterized by inflammation of the gingiva (gum), which is the area that surrounds and protects the tooth. The most common symptoms include redness, irritation, and bleeding of the gums. Gingivitis can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, and oral health history. However, it frequently affects individuals with diabetes, weakened immune systems, HIV/AIDS, cancer, as well as those using oral contraceptives.

In addition, people who wear dentures are also prone to this condition. If the infection spreads or becomes severe, you may require emergency care. A local emergency dentist is the best professional to look at your bleeding gums to afford treatment right away. The earlier you visit an emergency dental clinic, the better your dentist can prevent it from becoming a bigger problem.

  1. A Lost Tooth

Accidents happen all the time. Even if you're doing your best to be careful, a slip or trip can result in physical injuries, including losing a tooth or two. If your tooth was knocked out, it’ll dampen your appearance and make you very uncomfortable. An emergency dentist can put a crown in place to cover the open space where the tooth used to be, so you don't feel uncomfortable chewing your food or embarrassed when you smile. Immediate help from an emergency dentist means the tooth will be protected from infections that may develop around a damaged tooth.


It's essential to seek the professional opinion of your regular dentist. Regular dental checkups are beneficial for your dental health so that you can address any potential problem before it gets worse. But, sometimes, some issues can’t wait until your next dental appointment. Visit an emergency dentist right away if you think you may need emergency dental care. Ignoring pain and inflammation in your mouth may result in health complications.

After your emergency dentist treats your urgent dental problems, make sure to continue the prescribed medications and don't skip the follow-up checkups. Your oral health is a priceless investment because you’ll have a healthy smile for years to come.

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