Dental Guides

How to Treat Sore and Bleeding Gums

If you’re in the middle of your nightly flossing or toothbrushing and you notice a bit of pink in the sink when you spit, you’ve got a bit of a problem. It means your gums are bleeding, and they’re probably sore to the touch as well. Those are two of the major warning signs of gingivitis, a gum disease that inflames the tissue around the base of your teeth. It’s nothing to be terrified about, in fact it can sometimes be caused by something as simple as a piece of food that’s been trapped in one of those crevices. But it is something to address and attend to. The treatment isn’t anything major, but if you regularly see blood when you floss or eat hard foods, you should definitely go see your dentist. They’ll give you a list of things to do, and hopefully you should be able to take care of the problem without surgery. But here are a few ways you can get started treating your sore and bleeding gums right away.

The first step will always be utilizing proper brushing techniques. One of the issues that led to your sore and bleeding gums may be the wrong choice of toothbrush. Go out to the store and get yourself a brush with soft bristles. You might simply be using too much pressure along your gum line. Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal, in an up and down motion. You don’t have to apply very much pressure at all. Make sure you get down to the base of each tooth, right along the gums, and try to avoid eating between meals. And every time you brush, keep at it for at least three minutes.

You might also be able to lessen the problem with a proper mouth rinse. Start with a warm water and salt mixture, which should sooth your gum soreness and minimize the bleeding. You could also use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and warm water if you want something a bit more full-bodied. Swish a mouthful around before your brush your teeth. You could also go with a traditional dental mouthwash, ideally one with antiseptic properties. Just try to avoid mouthwash that includes alcohol, as that will make your gum soreness worse.

Dental floss may be the short term culprit leading to the bleeding issue, but it isn’t really a part of the problem. As long as you take your time with it and go about things gently, it will help cut down on the swelling and relieve your gum pain. Consider switching to a softer floss or a wax covered floss if you continue to have problems. You might also want to switch out your traditional toothbrush for an electric model from time to time. It cleans well, but also will give your gums a bit of a massage as they work.

For a lasting solution to the problem you’ll want to go see your dentist. There’s nothing better than a professional cleaning for getting down to the root of the issue. Even the most inexperienced San Antonio dentist will be able to figure things out, and help offer up suggestions for how to avoid making things worse. In addition, if your bleeding or soreness issues are due to plaque or food particles stuck in your gums, this will certainly be removed after that proper cleaning.

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