Dental Guides

A Fuide to Dental Implants

Today, dental implants are the most popular choice when it comes to tooth replacements. The current implant procedure is based upon decades worth of research and technological advancement.

However, over the years, archaeologists have discovered skulls that show signs of early attempts to install dental implants through various materials – including seashells and jade. The first known dental implant was amongst the Mayan civilisation around 600 AD.

In this article, we’ll discuss when modern-day implants began to be offered and how the treatment has changed over the years.

Early experiments in the 18th and 19th centuries

Researchers began to experiment with new dental implant procedures as early as the eighteenth century. These experiments involved using gold and various alloys.

Although these researchers failed in their attempts, they did identify the underlying problem of creating dental implants. That is, they couldn’t fuse the replacement tooth and bone together – a process known as osseointegration.

In the late 19th century, researchers were still trying to find new methods. In 1886, a doctor attempted to mount a porcelain crown onto a platinum disc. Although this worked, it proved not to be a long term solution.

Discovery in the 1950s

A successful dental implant method was discovered in 1952 when an orthopaedic surgeon accidentally stumbled across the unique abilities of titanium in bonding to living bone.

This discovery forms the biological basis of modern dental implants.

The first dental implant is offered in 1965

An orthopaedic surgeon called Branemark was the first to perform the titanium dental implant procedure on a human volunteer in 1965.

Dental implants were then offered to individuals who had lost their teeth but couldn’t handle dentures or false teeth. Initial implants operated on a ‘one size fits all’ policy. They came in various lengths but were all of the same width.

Modern developments

Since this initial success, researchers and medical professionals have aimed to improve upon dental implant techniques.

For example, dental implants now use a titanium alloy screw that has a rough surface to increase the surface area where the bone can become attached and facilitate the osseointegration process. A crown is then inserted over the screw once it has healed.

Medical professionals now take into account various factors when customising dental implants. These include health, bone density, speech, function, and aesthetics. This means that dental implants, with easy cleaning carried out, can last a lifetime. This contrasts with 20th-century implants which were only given a lifespan of 10-15 years.


The goal of dental implants has always remained the same – to provide a permanent and fixed solution for lost teeth.

The constant development of this treatment has led to dental implants being the only available solution that stimulates the natural formation of bone and supports existing teeth structures.

For this reason, dental implants will remain a high-quality solution to tooth loss that restores smiles and promotes confidence in individuals.

Click for more information on dental implants at Bridge Dental Smiles

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